Florida Division of Forestry Pine Nursery Seedling Improvement Studies
Several studies have been initiated in Florida over the past four years to identify and correct problems contributing to unsatisfactory field performance of commercially grown bare-root pine seedlings. This brief report is intended only to provide interested parties with a synopsis of the type of studies being conducted and some key findings to date. Elaborate summaries of detailed data, etc., are omitted here for simplicity and, quite honestly, the lack of sufficient time to organize same into a meaningful and coherent package. Also, some of our studies are still in progress, making data summaries at this time premature. Readers with particular interest in or questions regarding specific aspects of these studies are invited to contact the author.
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Author(s): E. L. Barnard
Publication: 1982 Southern Nursery Conferences
Southern Nursery Conferences - Eastern Session
1982 - Savannah, GA
Section: Nursery Operations and Economics