Electronic Counter Use in Forest Tree Nurseries
Since the Mid 1960's, forest tree nurseries have gradually shifted to less labor intensive harvesting and packing techniques. This mechanization trend has necessitated development of methods to ascertain quantities of seedlings being packaged for shipment. This is a critical factor with operations that sell to the public. Most nurseries not using the traditional grading table counting method uses the weight system of determining package quantity. Other systems use volume measurements, seedling bed count and the grab or number of handfuls per thousand method. At best, there can be wide deviations from the actual count using these systems. These deviations cause administrators of forestry programs considerable frustration on the producing as well as receiving end of transactions.
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Author(s): James C. Wynens
Publication: 1982 Southern Nursery Conferences
Southern Nursery Conferences - Eastern Session
1982 - Savannah, GA
Section: Equipment Development