RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

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NPN Protocol Details Image

Viola (nephrophylla)

Derek Tilley
PMC Manager
USDA NRCS - Aberdeen Plant Materials Center
PO Box 296
Aberdeen, Idaho 83210
208-397-4133 x 104

Family Scientific Name: Violaceae
Family Common Name: Violet Family
Scientific Name: Viola nephrophylla Greene
Common Name: Northern Bog Violet
Species Code: VINE
Ecotype: Northeast Utah, Colorado Plateau
General Distribution: North America with exception of the Southern United States
Propagation Goal: Plants
Propagation Method: Seed
ProductType: Container (plug)
Propagule Collection: Live mature plants were field harvested from native stands. Plants and surrounding soil was hand-dug with a shovel in late spring while soil was still saturated. Plants were transported and stored in a damp cooler until transplanting into greenhouse flats filled with a commercial soil medium. In 3 to 4 months the plants produced cleistogamous flowers. Within a few days, capsules dehisced and spread seed on the soil surface.
Pre-Planting Treatments: In late fall the flats were put into heavy garbage sacks, tied off, and left outside from November to late February where temperatures ranged from -20 C to 0 C. for most of the winter the flats were buried in several centimeters of snow.
Establishment Phase: In late February the flats were brought into a greenhouse with a 12 hour light/dark cycle and temperatures of approximately 20 C. Numerous seedlings were visible within 7 days. Clumps of seedlings and soil were scooped out and transplanted into larger pots while still in the cotyledon stage.


Tilley, Derek; Spencer, James R.. 2020. Propagation protocol for production of Container (plug) Viola nephrophylla Greene Plants USDA NRCS - Aberdeen Plant Materials Center Aberdeen, Idaho. In: Native Plant Network. URL: https://NativePlantNetwork.org (accessed 2024/07/22). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.