Artocarpus (heterophyllus)
Kim Wilkinson Craig Elevitch Permanent Agriculture Resources P.O. Box 428 Holualoa, Hawaii 96725 808-324-4427 808-324-4129 (fax) |
Family Scientific Name: | Moraceae | ||
Family Common Name: | Mulberry | ||
Scientific Name: | Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. | ||
Common Name: | Jackfruit | ||
Ecotype: | Native to the rainforests of India, altitudes 400-1200 m | ||
General Distribution: | Widespread and naturalized since ancient times throughout Asia and Southeast Asia; a post-European contact introduction to many Pacific Islands. Does best below 1000 m elevation in frost-free areas. | ||
Known Invasiveness: | This species is widely introduced throughout other tropical regions of the world where it may be invasive in some areas and invasiveness outside its naturally occurring range is unknown. | ||
Propagation Goal: | plants | ||
Propagation Method: | seed | ||
ProductType: | Container (plug) | ||
Time To Grow: | 0 | ||
Target Specifications: | Seedlings have reached target when approximately 20 cm in height, stem diameter 9 mm, with well-formed root systems that are not root-bound but that fill out the container. | ||
Propagule Collection: | Bears fruit in April-September. Fruits are borne on the trunk and the main branches. Fruits can be enormous, up to 50 kg in weight, but more commonly are between 10 and 30 kg. The green skin of unripe fruit changes to slightly yellow, and the fruits emit a distinctive fragrance when ripe. Fruits are collected using an orchard ladder or climbing the trees, cutting the stem of the fruit, and carefully lowering the fruit to the ground. | ||
Propagule Processing: | Fruits are opened with a large knife. Seeds are separated from the the juicy, yellow or orange sheaths that enclose the seeds. (The sheaths are the edible tropical fruit, a bonus of seed collection for this species!) Each fruit contains 100-500 seeds. Seeds are about 3 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide. Depending on size, there are about 50-90 seeds per kilogram. Seeds should be thoroughly rinsed in water to remove any remaining pulp juice or residue. Seeds may be air-dried in the shade for about an hour for ease of handling, but should not be allowed to dry out. They should be planted immediately, they do not store more than a few weeks at most. Germination for seed sown within a few days of planting is usually high, around 85%. | ||
Pre-Planting Treatments: | No pretreatment is required. However, rinsing the seeds in water to clean off sugars is recommended. | ||
Growing Area Preparation/ Annual Practices for Perennial Crops: |
Jackfruit seedlings can be grown in an uncovered growing area. Rodents (especially rats) seek out and eat germinating jackfruit seeds, and the nursery area must be protected from them. Containers used are Andersen Band Pots 2 3/8" by 5" inches deep, or copper-coated grow bags of similar size also work well. A well-drained media is used such as 50% Sunshine peat moss, 25% perlite, 25% vermiculite, amended with a little compost, dolomite lime, gypsum, and slow-release fertilizer such as osmocote 14-14-14. Potting media should also be inoculated with VAM (mycorrhizal fungi), available from commercial suppliers and garden centers. | ||
Establishment Phase: | Seeds are sown at a depth of 2 cm. Seeds are laid flat or planted with the hilum facing down. Germination begins in 1-3 weeks, longer (up to 6 weeks) if seeds were stored more that a few days after collection. The media can be topped by a thin layer of mulch such as #2 poultry grit. Water with a fine-headed sprayer to keep moist. Full sun is best. Daily water is usually necessary, by hand or with an automated system. | ||
Length of Establishment Phase: | 2 - 6 weeks | ||
Active Growth Phase: | Seedlings can be grown in full sun. Seedlings grow quickly for the first 6-10 weeks. After about ten weeks, seedlings are double-spaced to allow maximum penetration of sunlight. Amending with additional fertilizer such as a light top dressing of Gro-More 8-8-8 will aid in growth and development. If any weeds enter the soil-free media, they should be removed. Diseases and pests are not a major concern with jackfruit in the nursery. | ||
Length of Active Growth Phase: | 3 months | ||
Hardening Phase: | Growers should continue to ensure that seedlings receive full sun, spacing seedlings out further if necessary. Seedlings should never be allowed to dry out, but watering frequency may be reduced to introduce seedlings to temporary, moderate water stress. Jackfruit develops a strong taproot; timely outplanting is necessary to preclude any problems with root form. Root pruning can be fatal to the tree, and is not advised. | ||
Length of Hardening Phase: | 4 weeks | ||
Harvesting, Storage and Shipping: | When seedlings have reached target size, they may be delivered to the planting site. They are not extracted from their container or stored before shipping. Keeping them in their container is necessary to protect the roots. Containers may be stood up in cardboard boxes, or delivered in trays. Seedlings must be protected from wind and excessive heat during transport, but refrigeration is not recommended. Empty containers and trays may be returned after the planting is complete. | ||
References: |
Hossain, M.K. and T.K. Nath. 2002. Artocarpus heterophyllus. in: Vozzo, J.A. (Ed). Tropical Tree Seed Manual. USDA Agriculture Handbook 721. Verheij, E.W.M. and R.E. Coronel, eds. 1992. PROSEA no 2: Edible Fruits and Nuts. PROSEA, Bogor, Indonesia. |
Elevitch, Craig R.; Wilkinson, Kim M.. 2004. Propagation protocol for production of Container (plug) Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. plants Permanent Agriculture Resources Holualoa, Hawaii. In: Native Plant Network. URL: (accessed 2025/01/31). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.