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Home Publications Tree Improvement and Genetics Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference 31st Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference (2011) Introgression of loblolly pine alleles into slash pine; QTL analysis for crown, growth, and growth efficiency in a pseudo-backcross ((slash x loblolly) x slash) family

Introgression of loblolly pine alleles into slash pine; QTL analysis for crown, growth, and growth efficiency in a pseudo-backcross ((slash x loblolly) x slash) family

Although slash and loblolly pine are closely related species, they have distinct differences in site preference, crown architecture and stem growth. The objectives of this research are to determine the effect of introgressed loblolly pine alleles into slash pine and to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) from the loblolly pine donor to select the best individuals for future introgression into slash pine breeding populations. A single field test was planted with one pseudo-backcross between an F1 hybrid of (Pinus elliottii x Pinus taeda) x Pinus elliottii (BC1) and families of the species progenitors.

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Author(s): Gary F. Peter