Impacts of spacing and genetic homogeneity on growth patterns in juvenile loblolly pine
There is a lack of information on the effects of genetic homogeneity on individual stem- and stand-level characteristics for loblolly pine. With the increasing acreage that is planted from a specific genetic family, research is needed to compare differences in growth patterns across varying levels of genetic homogeneity. In this study, we wanted to compare stand uniformity and productivity among loblolly pine genotypes of contrasting inherent genetic homogeneity while incorporating two planting densities. To examine genetic effects on stand uniformity and productivity, we grew ten different genotypes (three open-pollinated families, three full-sib families, three clones, and one seed orchard mix variety) in a plantation setting for 5 years, at two different planting densities (436 and 218 tree per acre).
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Author(s): Joshua Steiger