Clonal-Row and Random Seed Orchard Designs: Comparison of Mating Pattern and Seed Yield
This paper evaluates and compares the mating pattern (selfing rate and level of correlated matings) and seed yield between clonal-row and the traditional random design in a western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) seed orchard. A western hemlock (Hw) seed orchard was selected for this study for the following reasons: 1) the species has: a- wide reproductive phenology differences among its clones (i.e., the chance of selfing and correlated mating increase), b- unique pollination biology that is characterized by the presence of true pollen competition (i.e., increased chance of success of unrelated pollen) and long receptivity period (Colangeli and Owens 1989, 1990), 2) tree height is kept at a maximum of 3m, thus facilitating pollen management, 3) all Hw orchards rely on supplemental-mass-pollination (SMP) as a standard pollen management practice, and 4) pollen contamination is extremely low, thus seed yield and mating pattern results do not suffer from confounding factors.
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Author(s): Yousry A. El-Kassaby
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1997
Section: Contributed Presentations: Extended Abstracts