Impact of the Pulp and Paper Industry Upon Forestry in the Southern United States
The pulp and paper industry in the 12 Southern States has developed from its beginning about 40 years ago into a giant industry, producing more than 60 percent of the total pulp production in the United States. The present annual consumption of pulpwood in the South is 25 million cords, with a market value of over $500 million. Approximately 100,000 employees, men and women, are directly engaged in the southern pulp and paper industry, and the annual value of pulp, paper, and board shipped from the 73 pulp and paper mills is over $2 billion. The capital investment is over $4 billion. The industry is an ideal combination of natural resources together with people, progressive management, and technological and scientific knowhow. The industry has brought about a better balance between agriculture and industry with a higher standard of living. The pulp and paper companies own only 12 percent of the total 200 million acres of commercial forest land located in the 12 Southern States, whereas 1 1 /2 million private small landowners own about 74 percent, and the balance of 14 percent is owned by large landowners and the State and Federal government.
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Author(s): Gunnar W. E. Nicholson
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1963