RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

Inter- and Intra-specific Grafting and Breeding of Five-Needle Pines

The forest tree improvement work at the Center was started in 1949 with the introduction of some of Dr. Riker's grafted eastern white pine selections. Subsequently a program of selecting, grafting, breeding and testing for resistance was begun. The work was initiated at Basswood Lake (15 miles NE of Ely, Minnesota) rather than elsewhere on a more accessible site for two main reasons. First, the high incidence of rust in the area along with large numbers of infected Ribes bushes affords good material for testing for resistance to blister rust. Secondly, the area is situated on a peninsula. The resultant cool, moist condition is conducive not only to graft survival but also to rust inoculation and infection.

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Author(s): Clifford E. Ahlgren

Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Lake States Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1969