Estimating Merchantable Seedlings in Nursery Seedbeds
We determined the sample size needed to accurately estimate the number of merchantable seedlings per seedbed in forest tree nurseries in Wisconsin. Analysis of highly variable seedling stocking within some seedbeds indicates that it is better to use more, small, closely spaced samples distributed throughout a seedbed, rather than a few, large, widely spaced samples distributed across a seedbed. We suggest a new sampling design using 4-ft-long (1.22-m-long) row segments distributed throughout the seedbed, where the number of samples (row segments) can be adjusted proportionally to the heterogeneity of seedling density within the seedbed. Our approach is broadly applicable to other bareroot nurseries.
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Author(s): Cuauhtemoc Saenz-Romero, Trenten Lee Marty, Raymond P. Guries
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 50, Number 1 (2003)
Volume: 50
Number: 1