Southern Forest Nursery Association and the Northeastern Forest and Conservation Nursery Association Meeting
View other events from 2002
Determining Seed Transfer Guidelines for Southern Pines
- Author(s): Ronald C. Schmidtling
Florida and Florida Forests:A Sense of Place
- Author(s): Wayne H. Smith
Hardening Fertilization and Nutrient Loading of Conifer Seedlings
- Author(s): R. Kasten Dumroese
Incorporating Controlled-release Fertilization Technology into Outplanting
- Author(s): Diane L. Haase, Douglass F. Jacobs, Robin Rose
Morphological Differences of the Root System of Bareroot and Container Longleaf Pine after Outplanting
- Author(s): Bill Pickens, Time Howell
Nursery Accreditation
- Author(s): Robert P. Karrfalt
Nursery Projects at the Missoula Technology and Developement Center
- Author(s): Andy Trent, Brian Vachowski
Nutsedge (Cyperus spp.) Eradication: Impossible Dream?
- Author(s): Ted M. Webster
Producing High-Quality Slash Pine Seeds
- Author(s): James Barnett, Sue Varela
Stunting of Southern Pine Seedlings by a Needle Nematode (Longidorus sp.)
- Author(s): Michelle M. Cram, Stephen W. Fraedrich, Jeff Fields
The Target Seedling Concept - A Tool for Better Communication Between Nurseries and Their Customers
- Author(s): Thomas D. Landis