Southern Forest Nursery Association
View other events from 1988
Use of Ag-Sorbent Root Treatment
- Author(s): David Sparkman
Kaolin Clay Dipping at Union Camp's Bellville Forest Tree Nursery
- Author(s): W. L. Pryor
Clay Sprays
- Author(s): Chuck Gramling
Field Packaging Pine Seedlings
- Author(s): Gary P. Cannon
Immigration and Naturalization Service
- Author(s): Tom Thomas
Nursery Safety
- Author(s): John W. Taylor, Jr.
Regulation of Agricultural Chemicals to Protect Groundwater Department of Fertilizer and Pesticide Control
- Author(s): Von McCaskill
Impact of Government Programs on Seedling Demand in the South
- Author(s): Joe D. Mills
"Bushy-Top" Syndrome on Seedlings at Piedmont Nursery
- Author(s): Stephen W. Cantrell
Effective Use of Computers
- Author(s): Donald J. Kass
Computer Systems Survey 1988
- Author(s): Dewey A. "Tony" Simms
Sampling Procedures for Seed Testing
- Author(s): Gary Johnson
PT Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Operational Inoculations and Management in Southern Forest Tree Nurseries - 1988
- Author(s): Charles E. Cordell, David McFee, Dr. Donald H. Marx
Overview of Southern Regeneration
- Author(s): Clark W. Lantz
Geotech at Westvaco
- Author(s): Donald A. Stringfield
Bed Density and Pisolithus Ectomycorrhizae Affect Morpholgy of Loblolly Pine Seedlings
- Author(s): Charles E. Cordell, Dr. Donald H. Marx
Nursery Pest Workshop
- Author(s): Charles E. Cordell, Walter D. Kelley, G. B. Runion, Charles E. Affeltranger
Using Leachate Conductivity of Bulked Samples to Estimate Seed Quality
- Author(s): Franklin T. Bonner
Reflections on Southern Forest Tree Nurseries
- Author(s): Dr. Jack T. May
Using Benomyl to Improve Performance of Stored Southern Pine Seedlings
- Author(s): James P. Barnett, John C. Brissette
Thirty-five Years Later: An Overview of Tree Improvement in the Southeastern United States
- Author(s): J. B. Jett
Nursery Soil Management
- Author(s): Charles B. Davey
Packaging Southern Pine Seedlings with Bags
- Author(s): Jeff Wisher, Patrick Kraft
South Carolina Forestry Commission Containerized Seedling and Rooted Cuttings
- Author(s): Booth Chilcutt, Jr.
Soil Fumigation in Forest Tree Nurseries
- Author(s): Andrew J. Boone
Root Growth Potential of Southern Pine Seedlings Grown at the W. W. Ashe Nursery
- Author(s): James P. Barnett, John C. Brissette
Hydro-Gel and Viterra (Super Absorbaents) Used as a Packaging Mulch for Seedlings Stored and Outplanted
- Author(s): Harry W. Bryan
Vapor-Gard Affects Survival and Growth of Outplanted Pine Seedlings
- Author(s): S. J. Rowan
Containerized Seedling Production Florida Division of Forestry
- Author(s): Robert A. Schroeder
The Impact of Landowners Assistance Programs - More Trees, Yes! But More than Trees
- Author(s): Thomas M. Clonts
Longleaf Seedling Production
- Author(s): Wayne Belflower
Use of Geotech at the JSC/CCA Rock Creek Nursery
- Author(s): Doug Sharp
Stratification of Longleaf Pine
- Author(s): Robert P. Karrfalt
Longleaf Seedling Production at Hauss Nursery
- Author(s): Philip Wilson
Geotech Application at Indian Mound Nursery
- Author(s): Albert F. Stauder, III
Packing system of the Virginia Department of Forestry
- Author(s): Ron Jenkins
Packing in Boxes Makes Good Cents
- Author(s): Richard O. Barham
CFM's Impact on Reforestation in the Southeastern States
- Author(s): William R. Maxey