Cold Storage in Minnesota
Minnesota entered into the method of cold storage of conifers and hardwoods in 1976. The cold storage room measures approximately 40' x 70' and is insulated with 4" of styrofoam. It has two sets of manually operated cork insulated doors and one electric biparting metal door. The cooling system is a 72,000 BTU compressor which supplies refrigerant to 4 banks of 5 fans each. The fans are approximately 8" in diameter. There are also 4 electric heaters to keep the temperature from dropping too low when theoutside air temperature may drop to -50 F. A portable power plant is held in standby in the event of an electrical outage.
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Author(s): Miles Weigand
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1979
Northeastern Area Nurserymen's Conference
1979 - Bloomington, IN