Effective Soil Fumigation
Methyl bromide soil fumigation can be effectively, efficiently, and safely applied in bareroot forest tree nurseries. The primary target organisms are the soilborne, pathogenic fungi that cause recurrent damaging root rot and damping-off losses on both conifer and hardwood seedlings. The MC-33 fumigant formulation has consistently and repeatedly provided the most effective control of these disease problems. Precautions are needed concerning the non-target, beneficial, soil organisms, particularly the endomycorrhizae on hardwood seed lings and when artificial ectomycorrhizal inoculations are utilized on conifer and some hardwood seedlings. Guidelines and precautions are presented concerning the biological (target organisms), chemical (soil fumigant), and environmental (soil) f actors affecting consistent, effective, soil fumigation results.
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Author(s): Charles E. Cordell
Publication: 1982 Southern Nursery Conferences
Southern Nursery Conferences - Western Session
1982 - Oklahoma City, OK
Section: Pest Management