Sean Sherman, founder of the The Sioux Chef company, author of The Sioux Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen, winner of the James Beard Award for Best American Cookbook, Minneapolis, MN.
2020 Empowering Tribal Culture, Ecology, and Food Systems
September 30th – October 28th, 2020
About This Event
Trees, Water & People (TWP) supports Indigenous communities within US Tribal lands and in marginalized communities in Central America. We support community grassroots efforts to promote healing of tribal homelands, and through this series, looks to lift Indigenous voices on these timely topics. We are honored to co-sponsor this series of webinar episodes with the USDA Forest Service, Intertribal Nursery Council (INC) and the Western Forestry and Conservation Association (WFCA).
This webinar series aims to support Indigenous communities’ efforts to restore their land, reduce food insecurity, and increase economic opportunity through the production of native plants. Through these efforts, tribes can improve access to healthy and traditionally harvested foods, medicines and plants for textiles and ceremonial use. Expert voices will offer strategies Tribes can utilize to develop or improve food sovereignty initiatives and native plant propagation. Webinars are 75-minutes each, including time for questions and discussion.
Topic 1: There’s a Whole Lot of Saving Needed to Save Seeds
Mervyn L. Tano, M.Ed., J.D., President, International Institute for Indigenous Resource Management, Attorney, and Author in Indian law and Cultural Resource Management
Topic 2: Seed Collection, Cleaning, Storage, Propagation and Germination
Bridget McNassar MS, Native Plants and Conservation Manager, Oxbow Farm and Conservation Center
Click here to view a PDF of Bridget McNassar’s presentation.
Topic 1: Defining Agroforestry within Traditional Ecological Knowledge – It has Always Been a Practice!
Kate MacFarland, USDA National Agroforestry Center (NAC) Agroforester
Topic 2: Community-led Agroforestry in Central America
Valentina de Rooy, Regional Manager, Trees, Water & People, Fort Collins, Colorado
Jeremy Pinto (Dine’), PhD, Research Plant Physiologist/Tribal Nursery Specialist, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service.
Cristina Eisenberg, PHD, FBIC/BLM/SER Native Seed and Grassland Restoration Program Director, Oregon State University, and Wendy Velman, Botany Program Lead, Bureau of Land Management (BLM).