Nabil Khadduri

Western Nursery Specialist
USDA Forest Service
State, Private, and Tribal Forestry
Olympia, WA
TEL: (564) 669-4443
I feel fortunate to continue my career in natural resources and extension with the Forest Service. As the western nursery specialist, I serve state, small private, federal, tribal, and industrial partners in technology transfer involving reforestation and restoration programs across 16 states. I previously worked more than 20 years with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. At Webster Nursery I produced and researched container and bareroot trees for reforestation. I also ran a grafting greenhouse in the genetics program at Meridian Seed Orchard. I enjoyed exchanging ideas and technologies with growers and land managers throughout the PNW and Intermountain West. Prior to that I received a MSc degree from New Mexico State University, where my thesis work focused on developing new seed propagation protocols for southern Rocky Mountain native species suitable for high-elevation mine reclamation. I spent my formative years with the Santa Ana (Tamaya) Pueblo nursery growing wholesale and retail Great Basin and northern Chihuahuan native plants near Bernalillo, NM.